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While levelling many wow gold players are seeing more and more Paladins.

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Youcan use wow gold get to high level fast.Don't worry, I don't need to be specked Tank (or Healer) to be able to do this - Ok, maybe this is technically true if you are severely overgeared and have a severely overgeared tank or healer with you as well.However, if any of the group is not geared very well and the group is slow it's just not always possible to do it. When you sign up to do something, please be ready to actually do it well.Players have started to see this more and more often lately. For the last several months, basically since ICC launched, heroics have become so much of a joke that a good tank and healer combo can 2 man them, and with even somewhat decent gear you can three man them. Besides,player can buy cheap wow gold on our site whenever they want to buy it.Players have picked up on this and are now AFKing for 90% of the instance and just coming back for the end. With the 15 minute timer before you can kick someone, you have already done most instances by the time you can kick the player.If the healer would just do their job I don't need a shield to tank. While levelling many wow gold players are seeing more and more Paladins and Warriors that seem to believe they can tank without a shield. While technically possible, it is insanely hard on the healer, and they generate less threat. When signing up to tank as one of these classes, please do it suitably. Making everyone else's life hard is not very friendly. Remember we always have cheap wow gold and guides on our site.

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