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TERA : Final Beta Weeked Arrives

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En Masse Entertainment has laid out the details of the final beta weekend. Starting today, Friday, April 6th and continuing through midnight Sunday, April 8th, the event will give players a last opportunity to try out and provide feedback for TERA prior to its May 1st launch.

In this last event, the Valkyon Federation, bolstered by a surge of new soldiers, strikes back at its foes, reestablishing control of troubled realms, and upsetting the meticulous plans of its enemies. In an effort to destabilize the federation and disrupt its momentum, Thulsa has decided to launch attacks at the relatively unprotected capital—Velika. The evil god is gathering a small army of monsters to fling them at the City of Wheels. The Mysterium's arcanists detected Thulsa's plans and alerted Fraya, who sent word to Velika. With little forewarning, will the federation be able to defend the city and thwart Thulsa's machinations? Be ready for a call to action in the evening hours of Friday and Saturday!

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