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We Will Publish a Custom SilkRoad Online Gold Arena

Tags : Silkroad-gold     sro-gold    

Hello everyone, I am Steve Bikun, A community of a server programmer. We are really excited about the SilkRoad Online Gold custome arena, because of it gives the players too much authority. Since have the custom arena, players could design their own arena freely, and you can organize tournament and challenge other team’s arena. This is just a test version; we have limited the number of participants. We will give 50 players who are at the 50 top at the QP this function. We will also provide media sites for custom arena.

After the end of the test, we will publish a custom Arena. All players can buy custom Arena through suite Gem Mall. You can also get a custom Arena time booty, you can increase your own custom arena lease time, or you can gain someone else's custom arena to increase time.

Through the spectator mode, our goal is to allow you to watch a game, and to learn from other players in the arena spectator mode. For the new players, spectator mode would be the best way to learn, and also allow the high-end players to learn from each other to improve technology. It is the best tools between the high-level team the game.

We will test custom arena open spectator mode. Anyone can use the spectator mode for the game that will affect the ladder Top, for some reason, we do not allow players to be viewed directly. The first one is cheating; we hope that the entire race is fairer. Another reason is that in order to live pvp better development of the community. Later, we will choose to live to join the race for the spectators, we will allow them to fully understand the actions of the members of the high-end of our ladder. This will also allow players to better learn about the top players play, because live will explain the skills and tactics to use in top-level competitions.

I'm looking forward to the performance of the spectator mode. I cannot wait to see the player operation tournament in the world live. This also means that new players can in hotjoin or customize Arena slowly spectators to see the other players play, and then once they are ready to join the game!

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