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WOW GOLD players use a DK MT and a warrior OT.

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I think a more credible conclusion is that tank balance isn't in such a dreadful state that it really affects what tanks groups use.They use the tanks they have or that their players like to play.I asked a designer here whose guild is on heroic Anub 25 what tanks they use. They haven't beaten it yet, but they're close and they'll probably get it before 3.3. WOW GOLD players use a DK MT and a warrior OT. I asked him why. It turned out their old warrior MT and paladin OT moved on and they used who they had left. They didn't feel the need to recruit or reroll to get say a paladin MT and druid OT.  The relative strengths or weaknesses of the various classes and specs -- including dps and healers here, with a couple of exceptions like Subtlety rogues -- are not a huge factor in who gets brought to a raid. This seems to be true both of those groups that get server first kills and those guilds that come later but still defeat the toughest fights in the game before they are old content. That argues that the differences aren't that big a deal in the grand scheme of things.I think this is a legit concern. While we don't want to give every tank class identical abilities, I do think DKs suffer from lacking something to fill the Shield Slam niche -- an on-demand high threat ability, great for smacking an add that has just arrived, but that can't be spammed to the exclusion of all else. Rune Strike isn't dependable enough and it is spammed anyway.



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