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Review the matter to the network

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Square Enix and explain that they did not notice this earlier incident because the investigation against them is not helpful, it will be released at this juncture this matter, but Square Enix is also the official press release on the matter to all. "Final Fantasy XI "on the player to cause deep regrets and said they will review the matter to the network protection mechanisms.

However, Europe's leading gaming industry news site Euro Gamer is mentioned in the news on the network from a hypothetical reasoning - because of the recent Japanese history textbooks caused by the Chinese people rising anti-Japanese plot, and perhaps this led to the Chinese hackers (Hacker) to find on the Sqaure Enix's Play Online server as a target in order to express their protest, Euro Gamer said the Japanese government that they should not publish books for private enterprise to responsible, but also shows the final Euro Gamer Square Enix itself has not this will be of attacks and server anti-Japanese protests textbook reasoning to associate comment.

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