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LOTRO Gold player was supposed to bring a bowstaff to Mallennor.

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Although still a bit shaken, I cheerfully approached Rhona, my second delivery. She was actually standing upright, and didn't look nearly as depressed as Eon. I modestly handed her my hot-off-the-workbench spear. Her response? "THE TREV GALOR ARE SURROUNDED BY ENEMIES!" Whew. Well, I guess that was a slight improvement. Or was it? Unlike Eon, who thought that only I had to be offed to make the world right again, Rhona thought that everyone (including/especially me?) was out to ger her. And I had just brought her a spear? Super!Two deliveries. Two kooks. Two deadly weapons. Check. Check. Had I done something to Tadhrien in a previous life to warrant this? Ok, one more delivery to go. LOTRO Gold player was supposed to bring a bowstaff to Mallennor in order to complete my task. By now resigned to the fact that Mallennor was probably going to take the proffered bowstaff and wrap it around my throat.


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