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It's quite clear that the only safe WoW gold is the stuff which is your loot.

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Blizzard has been updated to the latest terms of use, they have extensively tightened up the conditions of play. There is no doubt that cheap wow gold of sale or purchase, or any other item is in violation of these rules of conduct. Blizzard claims that your account may be temporarily blocked.

So it's quite clear that the only safe Wow gold is the stuff which is your loot.

I think a lot of people are worried that if they can buy some cheap and safe WOW Gold when nobody was looking. I got so fed up with farming for safe gold ,and I spend c couple of hours of an evening to spend ages trying the next brilliant gold getting idea I'd found on the internet. They all work but always extremely slowly so where no real help.

I took the next steps :I'd heard of the Wow gold guides and how people could accelerate their gold methods ,so I thought why not buy a few and see if they can help. To be honest a few may be used to worked but needed a serious update including some interesting ideas I found two that were fantastic - the methods were so detailed, so innovative that I believe that anybody can find them. You still have to work for gold but when I can sit down for an evening and earn a few hundred gold between the time I put my kids to bed and the wife nagging me for spending too much time playing that stupid game - I really don't mind.

If you don't want to buy Wow gold from a far eastern student conglomerate with an safety method, and want to read something useful. You can take a look at my review.

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