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April Update Details Changes for Anarchy Online

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Anarchy Online is undergoing a bit of evolution. Slowly but surely, new updates and changes are being made to the game with the goal of improving the overall experience. In the latest Anarchy Online Monthly Development Update, Game Director Fia "Lindelu" Tjernberg discussed some of the recent changes to several of the game's older content that included adjustments to creatures in Mantis Hive and Smuggler's Den and some tweaks to the Arid Rift.

There's more changes in the works for Anarchy Online's future as well. Tjernberg outlined plans to improve the New Player Experience, changes to game systems and offered some details on the next update. Work on the Dreamworld engine is also ongoing.

In April, work begun towards creating a stand alone version of our client housing the new Dreamworld engine. This is going well, and we're continuing to work on this goal in May.

We will stop supporting the small (no expansions) AO Client in the near future, as this is very time consuming for the team to maintain, time we would rather spend on producing the new engine. If you're playing on our small client, you will be notified on how to proceed in order to upgrade to our full client - Note that this will not require you to change or upgrade your account, only download a new client.

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